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Shoulder Pain


Earlier this year I suffered a painful shoulder injury.  Physiotherapy helped the pain but I was still left with discomfort and a protruding collar bone.  When I saw Kate, she looked not just at my shoulder but my body as a whole and that allowed her to work on the appropriate areas.  Kate provided me with a comprehensive explanation on why she was treating which area as well as movements and exercises I could do at home to help.  After two treatments, not only am I now completely pain collar bone is back where it should be!  The referred pain I had in my back (which I didn't even know I had until it went) has also disappeared.  After each session with Kate I not only feel relaxed but like everything in my body is where is should be.


R.W. - Senior Nurse



IBS and lower back pain


For five years or so, I have suffered from the discomfort of IBS, which became particularly acute at times of stress.  To relieve the symptoms, I regularly took three different prescription medicines.  It was therefore a complete surprise when my Bowen Technique specialist, during the course of my very first treatment (for lower back pain), asked whether I had been experiencing any problems ‘with my digestives’ and duly informed me that the BT would likely help.  Indeed, she was 100% correct!  Since my very first treatment some 3 months ago, I have not found it necessary to take any medicines or have I experienced the slightest discomfort or other symptoms.  Even the bloating has abated, most likely as a result of an explosive digestive system for a couple of days after treatment!  I am a convert - and my back is better too!


V.B - scientist


Wheezy Baby and post pregnancy back pain


'A friend suggested finding out if Kate could do anything to help my 8 month old baby whose chest was becoming more and more wheezy as the weeks went by. I was sceptical but willing to give anything a try as the doctors had simply diagnosed her as being a 'happy wheezer' and had prescribed an atrovent inhaler which we had been using when needed for several months.  I was absolutely amazed when her wheeziness disappeared completely after only two treatments! Hannah is now 15 months old and we have not used the inhaler since. Kate has also treated my 4 year old son for 'glue ear'. She has a lovely gentle manner with both children and makes them feel comfortable and relaxed with her. Amazingly she manages to persuade my 4 year old to lie still for a couple of minutes at a time which is an achievement in itself! I really cannot recommend both Kate and the Bowen Technique enough!  Having also had Bowen treatment from Kate for back pain after my pregnancy which also took only a couple of treatments to resolve, I can thoroughly recommend it as a gentle and relaxing technique that really works.'


Mrs Helen Parnell, Physicist and Mum


Joint instability


 "....I have hypermobile joints and as a result things are not always where they should be, resulting in frequent backache and clicky joints. I used to take a popular supplement for clicking joints, but I no longer need to as regular sessions with Kate really help to straighten out my back and hips, minimizing the clicking. It's also wonderfully relaxing - I always sleep extremely well after a Bowen session."


S. G - Pilates Instructor


Shoulder and back pain


..."I work as a full time holistic therapist which is a very physical job involving lots of repetitve movements as a result of this I tend to get back, neck and shoulder problems.   I have found Kate's Bowen therapy to work the best for me.  I see Kate every few months and the effects have always been more immediate and longer lasting than any other therapy I've tried.  Kate seems to intuitively  know what areas to work on for maximum benefit. The treatment is gentle, relaxing and effective."


R. Hudson, Therapist.


RSI and Exhaustion


"...I first started seeing Kate Weeks for Bowen Technique some 4 years ago when I was recovering from Exhaustion and a subsequent emotional breakdown. I had reached a plateau in my recovery and seemed unable to heal further. The treatment really helped in increasing my energy levels and allowing my body to complete the final stages of recovery.


Since then she has helped me with sports and repetitive strain injuries that would otherwise have seriously impacted my professional, as well as personal, life. From personal experience I can highly recommend this gentle and non-invasive treatment."


 A. Grey, Freelance Illustrator.


Back Pain


"...I had been referred to physiotherapists and chiropractors, and three months later I was still in as much (back) pain as ever.  After three treatments with Kate my pain had improved to just an occasional niggle and I had regained full mobility.  I had a fourth treatment and have now made a full recovery - I have my life back"


J. Matthews


Sports Injury


"...I play alot of Rugby and had so many injuries I thought I was going to have to give up playing.  A friend suggested I see Kate for Bowen treatment, and although sceptical I thought it was worth a try. Kate addressed each of my problems logically over a course of four treatments and to my amazement each injury resolved.  I now see Kate every four weeks to maintain that state!"


S. Redman


Neck Pain, Pelvic and back pain


"....After having three children I had suffered more with each pregnancy with my ligaments loosening up – natural during pregnancy, but mine never seemed to return to normal afterwards! This caused severe lower back and pelvic pain and due to my poor posture, I eventually also developed neck and shoulder stiffness…so much so that one day I moved my head to the right and couldn’t move it back…not a good look! My relationship with Bowen didn’t start here though…I went to see an osteopath and whilst the treatment got me “straight” temporarily and did improve my ailments a little, over a period of a few months they eventually returned. At this point, I had met Kate and became a case study for her – the gentle, non-invasive way that Bowen works completely changed my life. I realise this sounds dramatic, but I still continue to receive occasional Bowen treatments from Kate many months after these problems were rectified and I feel great! Bowen has also helped me with relaxation and menstrual problems and I cannot recommend it, or Kate, highly enough!"


K.R - Marketing Consultant.

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